Concrete step on cleaner fuel

B5 Biodiesel

The first contractor in Hong Kong to use B5 biodiesel in its batching plants and equipment said it has cut carbon dioxide emissions by 5,529 tonnes between 2013, when it started using the cleaner fuel, and the end of last year. The reduction is equivalent to one person taking 5,119 return flights between Hong Kong and Melbourne.

See how!!!!


  • reduce landfill waste
  • cutting carbon emissions
  • reducing waste oil that will end up in landfills otherwise
  • higher efficiency


  • Lubricating
  • Color ranges from golden to dark brown
  • Calorific value 9% lower than petrodiesel
  • less variance in energy density


Is made from waste oil that comes from local food producers or grease traps.

Concrete steps

Gammon Construction come out to be the first and only company in Hong Kong that uses the environmentally friendly B5 biodiesel in all of its plants, road vehicles and equipment, such as excavators, in its railway, housing, airport, bridge and other project sites.

The use of B5 biodiesel use has enabled Gammon to reduce its diesel carbon emissions by about 5 percent.

Not stopping at this, but,Gammon has also brought up  B5 biodiesel to retail market in Hong Kong with its fuel partner Shell.


By the time you must be thinking about economical would it be to use it. But let me tell you though the prices are high by about 30 HK cents per liter than the ordinary diesel but it is offset by the reduced usage due to higher efficiency.

More details at wikipedia



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